Conflict Over Finances

Conflict Over Finances

​​A common source of relationship stress involves conflict over finances. In fact, money can be a “double-edged sword”, having a significant impact on a relationship, both positive and negative.

On the one hand, money can allow us the opportunity and freedom to lead a more comfortable life, and to share these comforts and pleasures with our loved ones. This ideal is often glamorized in the many commercial ads depicting happy couples and families enjoying nice homes and lavish furnishings, fine dining, vacations, etc. On the other hand, money can breed a sense of complacency and a feeling of entitlement that can easily sour a relationship. Consider, for example, the proverbial “Hollywood marriage” and its staggering rate of failure.

For couples who struggle with insufficient income, often due to protracted unemployment or other unforeseen financial hardship, these situations can test an otherwise stable relationship. This is often the result of displaced anger, or feelings of resentment and blame—often compounded during this type of heightened stress.

How Therapy Can help

​When money concerns begin to undermine a relationship, therapy can be highly effective. Through helping couples understand precisely what is driving their anger, often rooted in deeper, more long-standing issues, therapy can help couples redirect their frustrations, allowing them to become partners once again. Once achieved, a sensible strategy for dealing with financial problems based upon mutual respect and understanding can then be explored.

Contact Today

8 Reservoir Cir #103
Pikesville, MD 21208
(443) 939-4540

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